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EmilioBusiness Developer Agriculture, forestry and fishing - Fishing and aquacultureMarketingRafaelBusiness Developer Agriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...I´m the person that you need, with the contact and know how in all Latam Region.ZacharyBusiness Developer Agriculture, forestry and fishing - Fishing and aquacultureOur Fluoramics pipe sealants/greases are engineered for extreme chemicals and temperature. The Tufoil Technology...CorradoBusiness Developer Agriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...I am an independent agronomist focused on developing business for chemical companies selling products for farming....GuilhermeBusiness Developer Agriculture, forestry and fishing - Fishing and aquacultureAll my life has been dedicated to sell and open new markets to industries. I love selling and prospecting new busin...LucasBusiness Developer Agriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...I like to develop y new business, also to contact different cultures to introduce new products. Work hard, Honest...BrunoBusiness Developer Agriculture, forestry and fishing - Fishing and aquacultureI've a great knowledge in law, economics, sociology and politics. Plus I'm determined to make money. If you have a...ChrisBusiness Developer Agriculture, forestry and fishing - Crop and animal producti...Multi lingual, energetic, self starting, independent entrepreneur with extensive experience in the following sectors...MikeBusiness Developer Agriculture, forestry and fishing - Fishing and aquacultureWe are a manufacturers representative and have been hired by a handful of manufacturers to help them build their rep...MattBusiness Developer Agriculture, forestry and fishing - Forestry and loggingSelling into the medical field.More


Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activitiesForestry and loggingFishing and aquaculture