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Find Companies > Business Developer > Human health and social work activities > Social work activities without accommodation

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EddieBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...Marketing, customer service, business and medicalGediminasBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...Experience in aviation, food industry, medicine and petrochemicalBrunoBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...I’ve learn that if you want your business to be successful you will have to invest money but you should not forget a...JackBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...Passionate, Result Driven, Quick Learner, Multi-Discipline Knowledge from Engineering to Sales and Marketing Skills...KfkBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...JnnBelindaBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...I have the wow factor to succeedIsakBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...21 year old Norwegian entrepreneur who has started four very diverse, sucessful companies (some of them mentioned in...GarethBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...Baxter Consultancy Services are a London based consultancy firm - We work with UK companies looking to expand their...LuBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...Develop trustful links for commercial B2B purposes, with good understanding and used to act in multicultural enviro...DanielleBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...I'm a independent sales rep looking for zealous people to make money on my team. Motivated self employable persons...ValerijaBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...Strategy, growth, knowledge, experiencess, successAzizBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...Over the last 10 years, I have worked on a wide range of projects for startup companies and small businesses. My...JulioBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...I'm a passionate entrepreneur who loves challenges and takes pride in giving his best to make a business grow. I'm a...EricBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...Consultative C and I business types sales. Software SaaS platforms, data processing outsourcing, business services...PatBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...I am an experienced senior business development/sales executive with excellent analytical and communication skills....AntónioBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...PersuasiveMarkBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...I am looking for medical, Veterinary or retail sales reps to offer Credit Card processing. The rep must have a book...GerardBusiness Developer Human health and social work activities - Social work activi...-20 years of extensive experience and expertise in business development and capital market sales, investment portfo...More


Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabledOther social work activities without accommodation