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Find Companies > Business Developer > Manufacturing > Manufacture of paper and paper products

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MarkBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of paper and paper productsMy background is in consumer electronics and consumer packaged goods. I have worked in Market Development, Sales...PatBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of paper and paper productsI am an experienced senior business development/sales executive with excellent analytical and communication skills....PhiBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of paper and paper productsNot to show at the momentDavidBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of paper and paper products25 years in Hong Kong sourcing and product development in AsiaAnnaBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of paper and paper productsWe are look for people are ready to work hard.AngusBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of paper and paper productsManufacturer of packaging in southern ChinaBharaniBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of paper and paper productsRelentless, Over-Achieving, Committed, Sales Personal.DanBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of paper and paper productsMany years of contract and direct emploment experience helping companies with their sales and marketingPeter R.Business Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of paper and paper productsHaving been in the total packaging industry for close to 35 years, I bring a lot of experience and savy for develop...CarlosBusiness Developer Manufacturing - Manufacture of paper and paper productsI have 20 years in several sector, being previuosly Business development director, Puchasing director, Operation...More