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BradleyBusiness Developer Real estate activitiesBridgepoint Capital Investment company is a trading company in the UK. We established longer and closer working...PauloBusiness Developer Real estate activitiesExperience in various fields (Industry, Real Estate Appraisail, Finance...). Speak 4 languages. Proven track record...SidibeBusiness Developer Real estate activitiesAs a experienced man in a french speaking country, I know the abc of business development , here in MaliMauricioBusiness Developer Real estate activitiesHigh value contacts with the manufacturing industry in the north of Mexico, research laboratories and goverment.PhilaBusiness Developer Real estate activitiesDEAL MAKERLuizBusiness Developer Real estate activitiesMore than 10 years of experience as sales representative and business developer in Brazil and Latin AmericaKennethBusiness Developer Real estate activitiesVery good in business development.TentaclesBusiness Developer Real estate activitiesI have professional and technical competencies. Over 20 years hands-on experience. International exposure. Deep...AlbertBusiness Developer Real estate activitiesMy name is Albert Manalo and love to solve problems and assist in generating revenue. I have great relationship...AnupriyaBusiness Developer Real estate activitiesMy enthusiasmMore