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MoustaphaSales Force Draw On CommissionConstruction - Construction of buildingsPOLYGONE WEST AFRICA sarl is a well-established company in SENEGAL with Highly experienced international business...BillSales Agency Base SalaryConstruction - Construction of buildingsSelling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moI have over 19 years of Sales, Marketing, and Business Development and Business Management experience. I specialize...JoyceIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryConstruction - Construction of buildingsSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moPrevious experience in retail, telemarketing and business owner. Currently selling products for another company from...K.j.Sales Force Commission OnlyConstruction - Construction of buildingsManufacturers Rep looking for new startup linesSteveSales Representative Commission OnlyConstruction - Construction of buildingsI have been in the construction trade for over 33 years specializing in masonry & concrete Repair along with waterp...KenSales Agency Commission OnlyConstruction - Construction of buildingsSpecify and sell product to property managers,Health Care buildings,Educational Buildings,Architects, Designers...VictorSales Rep Commission OnlyConstruction - Construction of buildingsSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moI sell hand tools, supplier and other items related to hardware stores.DavidSales Force Commission OnlyConstruction - Construction of buildingsDouble D Sales Group is an independent sales and marketing firm that helps promote and sell roofing products to the...KeithSales Force Commission OnlyConstruction - Construction of buildingsI was a sales rep for 25 years in the New York metro area 8 of it straight commission selling steel iron shops...MikeIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyConstruction - Construction of buildingsSelling 500,000 - 1,000,000 USD/moSelf starter with 25+ years experience as a manufacturer's representative. Accustomed to representing multiple...More