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DavidSales Representative Base SalaryElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplySelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI am an accomplished sales strategist and solution-oriented manager who thrives in challenging, fast paced environm...EminManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplySelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI am a sincere, loyal and dedicated individual who has a great deal of ambition. Although I have extensive experien...BrookSales Force Commission OnlyElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplySelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moSales professionals with a vast knowledge of the industrial dsitribution industry. Experienced in Japanese Manufact...JeffreyManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplySelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moAs an experienced sales and marketing professional, I have demonstrated that I am multi-task oriented, persistent...RaySales Agency Commission OnlyElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplySelling 250,000 - 500,000 USD/moI have over 30 yrs in rep sales to industry and government, via dealers when possible, direct if necessary. I speci...JohnSales Representative Commission OnlyElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplySelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moAggresive sales pro with 25 years exp. looking to expand product line to OEM, Mro and Distribtion Markets in Upper...RalphSales Rep Commission OnlyElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplyLike nothing better than making a sale! Hunter sales type . Successful history of developing territories. Currently...AndrewSales Force Commission OnlyElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplyAggressively professional Sales professional looking to expand product line within the Asian /Australian marketAaronSales Representative Commission OnlyElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplySelling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moI am an independent sales rep.RyanSales Agency Commission OnlyElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplySelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moHello, I am a motivated entrepreneur, interested in spending my time wisely- selling. I'm looking for a quality...More