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WilliamIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moHighly recognized and experienced Sales Professional and Business Manager pursuing a product challenge where I will...BrianIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...30 plus years of sales and sales management experience in the media and software industriesRafaelIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Veterina...Proffessional Sales and Marketing ExecutiveStevenIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI expect that your company could benefit from a strong, highly motivated sales professional with extensive sales and...SandhyaSales Representative Draw On CommissionProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Activiti...We are a General Trading Company based in United Arab Emirates, serving customers in United Arab Emirates, Qatar...DauletManufacturers Representative Base SalaryProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Scientif...NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLETinoIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Legal and...Very strong sales background with the ability to produce results. Currently looking for work for my sales team.ChadSales Force Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Legal and...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moMotivated sales professional with over 26 years of sales experience, including 12 years in retail auto sales/manage...GeneSales Representative Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Legal and...Sales and sales manager with 15+ years experience. Territory includes North carolina ans surrounding states. Experi...RicardoManufacturers Representative Draw On CommissionProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Architec....GeorgeSales Representative Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Scientif...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moA long and varied back ground of retail, after-market/back shelf, Internet sales & financial management has provided...SivaSales Rep Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Scientif...I am a Business Development Executive with 20+ experience in Canada. Currently looking for companies who are intere...MarkSales Representative Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Advertis...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI have been working in sales for years combining wide variety of responsibilities including processing contracts...Kam LingSales Agency Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Scientif...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moCommission-only sales expert with proven sales results across Asia. With good network of connections in various...StellaIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Advertis...Im a food, beverage, and food supliments seller from Brazil. We have a lots of products to show the world.VincentIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moA confident, natural and driven sales person who is interested in working for company’s who are market leaders in...MiguelSales Force Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Advertis...Entrepreneur with strong engineering education and International MBA with experience background in having own busin...More


Legal and accounting activitiesActivities of head offices; management consultancy activitiesArchitectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysisScientific research and developmentAdvertising and market researchOther professional, scientific and technical activitiesVeterinary activities