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JacekSales Rep Commission OnlyConstruction - Specialized construction activitiesSales AgencyBrianManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyConstruction - Specialized construction activitiesTransportation Broker AZSoufianeIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryConstruction - Specialized construction activitiesAble to sell anything ,anytimeBuddySales Rep Commission OnlyConstruction - Civil engineeringRetired young sales executiveRamon MasaSales Force Base SalaryConstruction - Construction of buildingsI graduated as mining engineer, I'm oil and gas professional experience looking to a challenge career as sale or...MiguelIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryConstruction - Civil engineeringSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moWilling to represent in Miami, And the Caribbean. Honest, ambitious, experienced, intelligence, communicative...AlexSales Rep Commission OnlyConstruction - Civil engineeringPortuguese speaking, US born Brazilian-American, looking for a sales position in the commercial roofing products...CalvinManufacturers Representative Base SalaryConstruction - Civil engineeringAm Calvin the best sales rep In the worlrSalesSales Rep Commission OnlyConstruction - Civil engineeringNo infoNimaSales Force Commission OnlyConstruction - Construction of buildingsSelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI am a hardworking person who has shown his best in all steps of his life. I can do my duties as a team member. I...More


Construction of buildingsCivil engineeringSpecialized construction activities